Our Vision for California
CalPERS’ 2030 sustainable investments strategy aims to dramatically reduce the carbon emissions of CalPERS’ investments by 2030, a centerpiece of the Fund’s effort to reach netzero by 2050.
To make good on CalPERS’ 2050 goal, we need CalPERS to:
Lead the investment world with sound policies that protect retirement security and reduce portfolio-wide climate risks.
Ensure that the $100 billion Climate Action Plan is transparent and accountable.
Invest in climate resilient housing in California. California’s communities need affordable housing that is climate ready. Targeted real estate investments in California will help create homes, jobs and returns for California.
Invest in high quality jobs in the new green economy. Ensure that the transition from fossil fuel energy to renewable energy includes a just transition for workers and communities. New jobs in renewable energy should be good, union jobs and investments should uplift the people and communities who are also transitioning away from fossil fuels.